The Big Picture


The Big Picture

Daily life: Peru by Rodrigo Abd

Posted: 26 Oct 2013 06:15 PM PDT

Today's post highlights the recent work of Associated Press photojournalist Rodrigo Abd's in Peru. His subjects include members of the Ashaninka tribe; the Lord of Huanca Sanctuary; the "Ojo que Llora" memorial; blinding mists called "la garua"; and a memorial service for the Bishop Emeritus of Huancavelica. Abd was part of the 2013 Pulitzer Prize winning entry for breaking news by the AP for its coverage of the Syrian civil war. -- Lloyd Young ( 58 photos )

Ashaninka Indian girls play soccer on Sept. 30 in Kitamaronkani, Pichari district, Peru. The Ashaninka Indian world has rarely been peaceful. Peruís Ashaninka Indians share the world's top coca-growing valley with drug traffickers, rebels, illegal loggers and, now, an increased military presence. During Peruís 1980-2000 internal conflict, Shining Path rebels overran their lands and slaughtered them wholesale. (Rodrigo Abd/Associated Press)


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